The Best Property Management System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
NAZEEL provides you with everything you need to manage your hotel or apartments with the automatic transfer of all bookings to SHOMOOS Saudi security system "Optional Service", in addition to many features and facilities related to financial and accounting matters, bookings, accommodation, management of customers, users and the control of the hotel room pricing.
Advanced Dashboard
The advanced dashboard provides a look at three pivots: Overview of financial performance during a specific time period, comparing the market share with neighborhood or city hotels, comparing the daily rental rate with units in the neighborhood or city to make a better pricing decision
Nazeel provides the capability to integrate with some of the Governmental Applications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia such as "SHOMOOS" and "The National Tourism Monitoring Platform", to enable the automatic requirements posting (Optional and paid service), also provide the capability to integrate with the E-Payment Platforms such as "PAYTABS", in addition to XERO, one of the global accounting softwares and REZGAIN, one of the famouses online channel managers.