The Best Property Management System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

NAZEEL provides you with everything you need to manage your hotel or apartments with the automatic transfer of all bookings to SHOMOOS Saudi security system "Optional Service", in addition to many features and facilities related to financial and accounting matters, bookings, accommodation, management of customers, users and the control of the hotel room pricing.


With the dashboard, you can organize your daily operations. Getting a wide view of what is going on at your property, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, week-by-week, See the statuses of your rooms, the notifications or the system updates.

Advanced Dashboard

The advanced dashboard provides a look at three pivots: Overview of financial performance during a specific time period, comparing the market share with neighborhood or city hotels, comparing the daily rental rate with units in the neighborhood or city to make a better pricing decision


Enhanced room-management capability, offering: room conditions, daily rates, low price rate and peak time prices.


Allocate your reservations easily by saving them for future retrieval, where the user can Filter, download, and manage open or closed reservations.

Bookings (Calendar View)

By using displaying the bookings in the form of a calendar, it is now possible to take a more comprehensive look at all the bookings during a specific period of time, in addition to the ability to view, modify and add the bookings directly on the calendar.


Represents the financial operations for the system, where you can handle the payments, expenses, draft vouchers or the invoices.


Manage the Housekeeping statuses and tasks, add notes, discrepancies, check the Housekeeping activity log, and assign the tasks to the housekeepers.


Save your Guests in an unlimited Guest database, which you can filter, download or manage their profiles. In addition, you can retrieve them when you want to contact or to leave notes on their profiles for serving them better.


Create add-ons to manage other sources of revenue. Which includes restaurants, coffee shops, dry cleaners, GYM, SPA and more.


The system offers the most comprehensive notification alerts including:
• SMS notification for today's check out customers.
• Various types of alerts for Guest Interactions.
• Administrative data (Room Revenue, Occupancy, Payments, etc).


Different variety of reports that gives you visibility into the success of your property’s marketing. Get an overview to know exactly how your business growth, view reports in-browser or download spreadsheets and PDFs, filter data by marketing channel, room type, period, specials, and more.


Nazeel provides the capability to integrate with some of the Governmental Applications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia such as "SHOMOOS" and "The National Tourism Monitoring Platform", to enable the automatic requirements posting (Optional and paid service), also provide the capability to integrate with the E-Payment Platforms such as "PAYTABS", in addition to XERO, one of the global accounting softwares and REZGAIN, one of the famouses online channel managers.

Manage Taxes

Nazeel supports an integrated administration of taxes and fees at the state level, with the ability to use the "tax-inclusive" feature to approximate fractions resulting from calculating the tax on the booking.

Activity Log

By using the "Activity Log", it is now possible to monitor all the activities that occurred on the system, knowing the details of the time, date, and the name of the user who performed the activity.

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